E Crossing 01/02/2018
Cobuild Pty Ltd would like to notify parents and children of a construction site within close proximity to Toorak PS The construction area is located at 2 Brookville Road, with the main entrance to the site in the alley accessed from Mathoura Road. This alley (the main entrance to their site) is used frequently by…
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E Crossing 01/02/2018
Grade 3/4 will participate in a 2 week intensive swimming program commencing this Monday 5 February and concluding on Friday 16 February. Please pack bathers, towel, goggles and thongs. Payment and consent must be received for your child to take part in the program. Below is the swimming timetable – *Bus should take approximately 15min…
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E Crossing 01/02/2018
Recess and lunch times have been altered. Our new times are – Recess 10.30am to 11am Lunch 1.15pm to 2.15pm
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E Crossing 01/02/2018
All TPS families are invited to our Welcome Picnic on Thursday 22 February from 5pm to 7pm. This is an alcohol free event.
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Sharon Wildermuth 01/02/2018
Dear Families of Year 4, The students have been enjoying their time settling into our new classrooms, as well as making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. Just as a reminder that we are starting swimming next week, starting the 5th of February, so please make sure to pack bathers and a towel…
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