Julie Manallack 28/06/2018
Since the assembly tomorrow will be for the senior school, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a very happy and safe school holiday period. Students will be dismissed at 2.30. School resumes on Monday July 16th. The dodgeball event between students and staff yesterday was a fiercely contested game. In the…
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Sharon Wildermuth 28/06/2018
Parent Wellbeing Discussion Groups are designed to bring us together on the all important topics regarding our children’s wellbeing. These sessions will run monthly throughout the year. We will alternate between a Friday afternoon session before pick-up and a Thursday. These sessions will be run by our First Aid & Wellbeing Officer, Sara Harris. Parent…
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Sharon Wildermuth 28/06/2018
Last week we had the first of the Wellbeing Parent Discussion groups with this as the topic – What is wellbeing and what does it mean for our children? There are so many aspects to understanding this. We can easily get caught in the idea that eating your veggies and doing some exercise is all…
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Grade 04 28/06/2018
At Toorak Primary School we are very fortunate to be a part of the Story Dogs Program. The program involves selected students having the opportunity to read with our amazing Story Dogs and their humans in a calm, stress free environment. This has resulted in positive growth for all students involved. One of our beloved…
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Sharon Wildermuth 28/06/2018
It is with some pleasure that I announce that we will be starting a French Club. It is an opt- in club and students who would like to join the French Club are to meet with Madame on Tuesday of 17 July at 1.30pm in the French Room. Our holidays loom and the students of our…
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Sharon Wildermuth 28/06/2018
The JSC raffle will be drawn this Friday. A particular thank you to the Paul ( Atara and Aneira), Wood ( Alyra and Zac) and Milligan ( Trystan) families and Madame for their generous donation of goods towards the Junior School Council Raffle. The proceeds will all go towards our dual project with our local…
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