Sara Harris 24/04/2019
Keeping Children Warm Keeping warm is about much more than not being cold or catching a cold. One of the first things we learn as a baby is the nurturing quality of warmth when we are held and wrapped in a blanket. Warmth is very nurturing and supportive and helps us to settle in our…
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Sharon Wildermuth 04/04/2019
In term 1, the Grade 2’s presented our diorama museum to their families. The students have been studying Australian Native Reptiles and Mammals as our inquiry topic. Each student was able to chose an animal to focus on for their research project. All students wrote an information report on their chosen animal individually. They worked…
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E Crossing 04/04/2019
A reminder to all grade 1 and 2 parents that payment for swimming is now due. Please action ASAP if you would like your child to participate. On another note, statements have been posted out today. Prompt payment is appreciated.
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E Crossing 04/04/2019
Hi Basketball Families, As we go into the Easter school holidays and the mid-season break, the Toorak Basketball program is enjoying many good successes on the court with many of our teams near or at the top of their division ladders. Our Grade 1 Girls have two new teams, the Toorak Tasers and the Toorak…
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E Crossing 04/04/2019
On Friday 17 May, at the Malvern Town Hall, Toorak Primary School will be holding a Trivia Night. This is our major fundraising event for the year. This year, our goal is to raise funds for the design and installation of a shade structure to cover the recently resurfaced basketball court. It will protect our…
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E Crossing 04/04/2019
Week 10 Community Messages and Advertisements
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