Archive: July 2019

Pyjama Day

This Thursday, the 1st of August, TPS will be holding a Pyjama Day. For a gold coin donation students are able to come to school in their pyjamas and dressing gowns. All the money raised will be donated to building additional water tanks in East Timor. Don’t forget to wear appropriate footwear and your gold coin…

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Community Notices and Advertisements

Week 2 Community Notices and Advertisements

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Welcome Performing Arts Teacher, Ally Kent

Hi all,  I am Ally Kent and I’m thrilled to be working with Toorak Primary School for the remainder of the year! I have been a Performing Arts teacher for 10 years as well as an Actor & Producer of Mindful Productions, creating Theatre, Film and Television to Educate audiences about Mindfulness. I have previously…

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GR 2 NEW INQUIRY UNIT: Australia and Our Asian Neighbours

In term 3 the Grade 2 students will be investigating Australia and our connection to Asia. Students will be looking at the differences and similarities of where we live and other cultures and areas of Asia. We start the unit by looking at Australia, learning the different states and territories, the capital cities, common landmarks…

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Bonne rentrée!   Welcome back to another school term! Students have been learning about the history of France with reference to understanding how France changed from an ancient Monarchy and feudal system to becoming a modern State and a Republic. Although we all enjoy a baguette every now and again, the children have learnt what the…

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison recognises Grade One students’ work!

Last term Grade One students learnt about the plight of Australia’s Koalas and the devastation of their habitat, when learning how to write persuasive texts. Students became very engaged in the plight of the Koalas and the need to do more to protect them As part of this unit students wrote to Prime Minster Scott…

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