Author: Sharon Wildermuth

Year 1 Seasons Concert

The Year 1 students have been working hard learning and preparing a wide variety of songs for the Seasons Concert. The event will be held on Friday 14th June at 2:30pm – 3:30pm in the school hall. Each class has been allocated a season and has learnt songs to present to an appreciative audience of…

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Welcome back and Year Level Newsletters now available

Dear Families, I hope you all add a relaxing and restful holiday and took the opportunity to refresh the mind and the body over the last couple of weeks. Please note that year level newsletters are available on Compass. Please take the time to read them as they provide valuable information of the work that…

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Parent Session – Protective Behaviours

Dear Parents, Stonnington Council provide a great range of education sessions for parents throughout the year.  One of the sessions coming up is around body safety and protective behaviours which will be held in mid June. Body Safety Australia partners with families and communities to prevent child sexual abuse and to support children in enjoying healthy,…

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ART SPACE- Years 3 and 4

The Year 3 and 4 students studied the artist Julian Opie throughout term 1. They experimented with simple lines and bold colours to create portraits of people and themselves. While the Year 3s completed works using markers, the Year 4s explored the ‘Sketches School’ app on the class iPads to produce their final pieces. NOTE:…

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Diorama Museum

In term 1, the Grade 2’s presented our diorama museum to their families. The students have been studying Australian Native Reptiles and Mammals as our inquiry topic. Each student was able to chose an animal to focus on for their research project. All students wrote an information report on their chosen animal individually. They worked…

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Easter in France, joyeuses Pâques and bonnes vacances.

April is a very festive month in France and our students have been learning about the April 1st jokes, called the ‘poisson d’avril’ [ April fish]. Plus the legend of the Easter Bells, which bring the Easter eggs on Easter Sunday morning. The students at school on the 1st made their various fishes to pin on…

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