Grade 04 12/03/2020
The Grade 4 team hopes all families had a nice long weekend, filled with some quality family time as well as time to relax. We were honored to be invited to tour the Malvern Town Hall by Mayor Steve Stefanopoulos We explored the beautiful building and were able to ask Steve some questions. All students…
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Grade 04 05/03/2020
Welcome to 2020! The Grade 4 team are very excited to welcome all parents and students to another exciting year. The students have already had 5 exciting weeks with events such as swimming lessons, House Swimming day and a science incursion. Early this week the Grade 4s attended the Malvern Town Hall to meet the…
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Grade 04 19/12/2019
The Grade 4 cohort have had some incredible experiences this year, and have achieved so much. A few of the great activities we have had are, going to the Melbourne Museum, attending Replas, exploring the Melbourne Grand Prix, and sharing a few days together on camp. Yesterday we had the Grade 4 Fun Day which…
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Grade 04 12/12/2019
The Grade 2 students had a great time at the sleepover last Thursday and Friday. The teachers were impressed with the behaviour and resilience all students showed throughout the two days. On Thursday night we played some party games and watched a movie. Students then got prepared for bed and settled into their sleeping bags for the night….
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Grade 04 05/12/2019
The Grade 4 students have had a very busy and fun few weeks! As well as starting to prepare for the Carols event later this term, students have been working hard on their narratives and quadramas. Students have planned, drafted and are publishing their narratives ready to show parents and loved ones on during open…
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Grade 04 28/11/2019
The Grade 2 students are busy preparing for Cardboard Arcade. They have been working busily in teams to create their games for the arcade. The Grade 2 teachers have been really impressed with the teamwork, management, problem solving and resilience shown by teams to overcome all challenges they have faced. The games are coming together very nicely and this…
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