Bouncing Back in Year Four

To put smiles on our dials and keep them there, the Year Fours have been devoting an hour each week to the Bounce Back program. This term we have been focusing on positive thinking and how changing the words we think and say can change the way we feel. Last week the boys and girls split into two groups to target what is important to their happiness at school.

Just as Wendy, Michael and John do to make themselves fly in Peter Pan, our girls participated in a positive thinking exercise, sharing compliments and happy thoughts with one another. We each selected one happy thought that we can focus on to make us fly and then decorated our classrooms with butterflies of our happy thoughts.

The boys got together to elect student representatives, whose role will be to ensure the boys have a say in how they learn at school. Everyone had the opportunity to voice their opinion and we discussed how each student can have an influence on changing the systems, routines and programs that we engage in every day. To round off an honest and eye-opening session we belted out our favourite AFL theme songs!

The elected male and female student representatives from each class will be announced shortly.