Empowered Sleep Program – Week 5

Illustration by Inma Lorente

Welcome to Week 5 of the Empowered Sleep Program!

Our weekly reflection for this week is to –

‘Be gentle and loving with yourself during the day. This is your greatest medicine for a good night sleep.’

So often we look for a fix when we have such things as sleep problems. Something that is going to give us an instant solution. And we disempower ourselves by thinking that it is out of our control. None of this is sustainable. When we start to see how much power we have in every choice and experience, we can start to really make a difference.

Preparing for sleep is happening all day long. What is the quality of the body you are going to take to bed with you? How settled, loved and cared for is that body? What kind of thoughts have been circulating in that body? And have you been listening to the messages from your body or over-riding them? All of this matters and is preparing us for the quality of deep and rejuvenating rest we will experience each and every night.

These weekly reflections are as much (if not more) for us as they are for the children!

Enjoy week 5 and the conversations that arise. Last week of the program is next week.

Sara Harris – First Aid & Well-being