Grade 2 What’s the time Mr Wolf?

Students have recently started a unit on Time in their math classes. So it is a time to get some practice in at home. It is quite common for students to ask what the time is, so rather than tell them – help them to work it out. Most students can confidently tell time to the hour. So our focus in class will be telling time to the half hour and quarter hour, using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to’. Now is the time to take the opportunity to test your childs knowledge by asking them:

What number is the big hand on when it is quarter past the hour?

What number is the big hand on when it is quarter to the hour?

If it is 6:30, where will the little hand be on the clock? Where will the big hand be?

Doing things like this is a great opportunity to reinforce what they are learning in class and help develop their ability to tell the time. So next time they ask, ‘What’s the time?’, ask them to tell you!