On Friday 13th March, the Grade 3 cohort went to Healesville Sanctuary. We all had a fantastic day! Here are some student reflections on what they learned from our Excursion:
That Koalas sleep 18hrs of the day.
- Sonny
Eagles have the longest wingspan.
- Thomas
We need to use recycled toilet paper to save birds.
- Ella
The possum was an endangered species.
- Andy
That koalas eat eucalyptus.
- Aneira
There was a bird that had 2m long wings.
- Ernie
Koalas move very slowly.
- Freddie
There are different types of kangaroos.
- Frankie
That wallabies are endangered.
- Anwar
That if a diseased Tasmanian Devil fights another, it will pass on the disease.
- Tilly
I want to help Tasmanian Devils fight back.
- Theo
That Eastern Qualls are nocturnal.
- Isabel
That some animals are so endangered that you can only find them in two places.
- Oscar
Possums go into the birds nests and eat the eggs in Tasmania.
- Aanya
That little birds barrow down in the trees. We need to stop cutting down the trees.
- Benji
That Tasmanian Devils bite each other and then they get lumps on their bodies.
- Imogen