Les nouvelles francaises,

The end of the semester is fast approaching and students in years one to three are bringing home the booklets and poems they created and learnt to read. They have all been learning how to politely request various items and have enjoyed practising this with each other. Students in year four have been learning about the unique white horse of the Carmargue region of France and have discovered that the platypus ( ornithorynque) was first classified by the French as a monotreme.   The students in years five and six were required to follow instructions, think creatively and undertake  research to find relevant information for their individual inquiry topics, which many were able to introduce in French and presented either as a PowerPoint or a Poster. The students’ work was amazing.  The year five students learnt that it is not only in France that people speak French and explored many francophone countries.  The students in year 5/6  explored and reported on the many interesting landmarks and sites in Paris, including  “Paris Perdu” that lies underneath today’s Paris.  The year six students undertook research into a number of  French Notables and their legacy.

Our little Prep students have been cheerfully learning many songs, games and rhymes and to count to 15 and are slowly consolidating their colours and the names of some domestic animals.

I wish the school community a safe and happy holiday. Bonnes vacances a tous!

Madame Anderson