School Council achievements

On Tuesday night, we held the final School Council meeting for 2016, and it was a time to reflect on our progress this year and the achievements we have made on behalf of the community. You will see from the table below that we contributed to the school through a wide range of activities across the various committees, and I thank all sub-committee members for their generous donation of time and skills this year.

The parent members of the Council are grateful to the fantastic advice, information and care that the teaching and support staff have given us this year. As well as providing an engaging, safe and welcoming education for our children, they participate in committees, provide data and presentations, run or help out at sports and other events, contribute new ideas and keep the business of the school running smoothly. Thank you to all TPS staff!!

In my first year as Council President, I have really valued the open communication and active engagement that everyone involved has brought to our activities (including the Junior School Council). It gives me great confidence and optimism about the community that we are a part of, and look forward to another exciting, action packed year in 2017.

Wishing all members of the TPS family a safe and happy holiday.
Michelle Osborne
School Council President

Committee 2016 achievements 2017 focus
Policy and Review

Belinda Albietz,

Helen Campbell, Fiona Ryan, Tracy Skiba, Daniel Addison, Mark Bender


Review of over 20 existing policies


New policies developed and approved by School Council

·         Photography and Filming Policy

·         Enrolment Policy

·         Parent and Staff emailing guidelines

·         Child Safe Documentation

Standard 1: Child Safe and effective leadership statement

Standard 2: Commitment to child safety statement

Standard 3: Child Safety code of conduct policy

·         TPS community communication and code of conduct

·         TPS Code of Conduct signed agreement

Standard 4: Recruitment practices policy

·         Human resources practices policy

Standard 5: Procedures when disclosure is made

Standard 6: Risk Management approach policy

Standard 7: Promoting the participation and empowerment of children statement

Schedule of policies to review include:

·         Complaints and grievance

·         Finance policies

·         Camps and excursions

·         Chid Safe documentation. Including mandatory reporting

·         Student Engagement

·         Alcohol at School Events

·         Medical policies including First Aid, asthma, anaphylaxis

·         Critical and other incidents

·         Fundraising

·         Transition

·         Curriculum framework



Don Stewart, Craig Hudson, Michelle Osborne, Julie Manallack, Toni Hillyer

·         Monitoring of school budget

·         Review of finance policies

·         Determination of fees and levies, including introduction of an excursion levy

Buildings and Grounds

Michael Holden, Susi Leeton, Clare Cousins, Julie Manallack, Tim Coleman

·         Painting, fans & roof maintenance of the old building

·         Hall floor repairs

·         Refurbishment of Glasshouse for use of classroom

·         Reconfiguration of the Library and Office area

·         Outside toilets painting

·         Story Dog chairs

·         Maintenance of sandpit

·         Seating design for area outside double portable

·         Recarpet the old building

·         Redesign staff kitchen

·         Upgrade staff toilet & shower

·         Decking around the sandpit


Events and Fundraising

Rebekah Curtis Lester, Kate Nixon, Lena Weaver, Michelle Osborne, Tracy Skiba, Jenna Milligan


Publicity and Marketing

Kerie Agnew, Samantha Wood, Suzanna Hoffman

Promotion and delivery of a wide range of events for the school community including:


·         Welcome picnic

·         Tuckshop

·         Movie Day

·         Hot Cross Buns

·         Cake Lotto

·         Mothers Day stall

·         Election Day sausage sizzle

·         Mike Larkin weather

·         Fathers breakfast and Olympic assembly

·         Bollywood Fashion Night

·         Kids Disco

·         Christmas Carols

·         Welcome picnic

·         Tuckshop

·         Movie Day

·         Cake Lotto

·         Mothers Day stall

·         Crazy Camel fundraiser

·         Fathers Day breakfast

·         Kids Disco

·         Christmas Carols

Student Learning & Wellbeing

Debbie Snell, Adrian Neild, Tracy Skiba, Madisson Brough, Andrew Patterson

·         Policies – engagement and wellbeing, homework

·         Celebration for National Literacy & Numeracy week

·         Introduction of Toorak Citizenship values

·         Art Show

·         Maths Olympic Day

·         Cross-school writing moderation

·         Implementation of Child Safety Standards

·         The Resilience Project

·         STEM professional learning team to start

·         Anaphylaxis FAQs

·         Cross-school writing moderation, including high schools