Medical Emergencies

Periodically our students become ill, have an accident or an allergy is triggered. At such times staff exercise duty of care by practising their first aid training. However, should a staff member feel that an ambulance is required, it will be called for the health and safety of the student. I urge all families to ensure that ambulance cover is current. The cost to insure is relatively inexpensive BUT should an ambulance be required, the cost can amount to thousands of dollars. Many health funds also cover ambulance services. Please check your records and inform the office of changes to medical information. Thank you for your support in this important matter.

Brookville Gardens

Toorak Primary School grounds are supervised in the morning from 8.45 – 9.00am and again in the afternoon from 3.30 – 3.45pm. Teachers will be on duty during these times to monitor the playing spaces for the safety of all students. Brookville Gardens are not supervised during these times. Therefore, all students must stay within the school grounds before and after school.

Brookville Gardens are only supervised during recess 11.00 – 11.30 and lunch time 1.40 -2.30pm.