Year 4 Celebrates Science Week

This week is Science Week (woo!) and to celebrate the Year 4’s have put on their white coats and conducted a few nifty experiments. Today we sent old photo film canisters into the stratosphere using bicarb soda and vinegar… we also learned what photo film was and how it was used in ancient civilisations.

With Mr Beck on a well-deserved holiday we have constructed wicking beds to continue our sustainability study in the classroom. The students are recording the daily changes to the indoor garden, which will be developed into a time-lapse showcasing the life-cycle of a plant.

As Science Week rolls on we will continue observing phenomena, but if you’d like to get involved at home try out one of these brilliant experiments from the link below.

Term 3 excursion: We are on the lookout for parent volunteers for the 8th of September when the Year 4’s will brave the public transport system to visit the Melbourne Museum. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are able to join us.