Anxiety can look and feel different for everyone – overthinking, worry, upset tummy, headaches and shortness of breath are some things we may experience. These feelings can be exacerbated by certain situations, events and the environment around us. Like all of us, children need support to be able to process these big feelings and sometimes allowing them space may give them the opportunity to talk or just simply acknowledge how they feel.
Here are some links you may find useful to support children through times of change that may cause some anxiety and concern for them. Although some of these links are specific to returning to school after remote learning, they can certainly be applied to any situation.
Tackling back-to-school anxieties – Beyond Blue
Back to School Anxiety – Child Mind Institute
Coping with Back to School Anxiety – Anxiety Canada
School Refusal: Children 5-8 – Raising Children
Coping during coronavirus – Reach Out
How to cope with stress related to Covid-19 – Headspace