Boy’s Groups at TPS

As part of our Well-being focus here at Toorak Primary School, we are introducing a Boys Group Program. Boys will be nominated to attend the group as an additional social support and to foster positive relationships with themselves and each other.

Furthermore, these groups will be student led with activities to encourage communication, acknowledgement of feelings, working together and to build confidence. It will be an opportunity to explore their individual strengths and qualities and to recognise and appreciate their contributions to their peers, to the school, their families and beyond.

As a society, we can forget that boys are equally as sensitive as girls are. The male stereotype is increasingly being questioned as boys and men struggle to live up to the tough and hard image or the image that says they need to ‘man up’ and carry on. Nurturing sensitivity has never been more important, whilst allowing boys and our young men to connect to their innate and natural qualities without feeling they need to live up to society’s expectations.

We may also include Body Awareness exercises and simple Meditation techniques to support relaxation and a sense of calm.

Boys will be nominated across a range of ages, needs & social groups. We will start with a small Junior group and expand from there as time and space permits.