Grade 1 bouncing back

This year in Grade 1 we have covered a number of topics in Bounce Back. Some of these include emotions, relationships, resilience and looking on the bright side. Students have participated in various activities to teach them positive life skills and enhance their sense of well being. Here are some things the students had to say:

In Bounce Back we learn to be nice to each other. We’ve also learnt to respect other people and yourself. My favourite thing that I’ve learnt this year was about respecting people. I have learnt a lot in Bounce back this year (Lachie- 1D)

Bounce Back is fun and we want to do a lot more to learn to do important stuff. We have learnt about staying safe. We also learnt about friendship buckets, and that we can fill other people’s buckets by being good friends (Mete and Audrey- 1A)

We’re learning about families in Bounce Back. Before that we learnt about how to control your feelings. When you’re feeling angry, you can take a deep breath and try to calm down (Henry- 1B)

Sometimes I share my toys with my friends. It means that I feel happy and so do other people (Lea S- 1C)20161021_101751



This year we learned about feelings and how people feel if you bully them. You should always try to be a good friend and show friendship. We learned that it’s OK for friends to be different (Maddie- 1C)

For more information on the Bounce Back program, click here