Joyeuses Pâques and bonnes vacances.

Wishing all our students and families a happy Easter and holiday break.

Easter is a time when our students learn about the French legend of the Easter Bells that bring the Easter eggs on Easter Sunday morning to children in France. The legend has it that the bells fly all the way from Rome in Italy to drop the eggs in gardens all around France!

Our students have also been working on revising how to ask for classroom objects and learning how to describe how they travel to school and to various places.

The year five and six students have been working diligently on their inquiry topics about the francophone countries around the world. I have posted the rubrics in their google classroom folder French 5 / 6 and the login is : b6xe6ni.

Those students who may wish to do a little extra French or make up for the sessions missed due to the current situation can hop on line to access the free but useful site Languages on Line :

The students in year two to six are able to access the digital site that TPS subscribe to: Linguascope. Due to copyright issues the password and username details can only be given to students in class, which has already been done. Those who cannot remember the login can access it via their google classroom folder.

I would also like to take the opportunity to bid our students and families a very fond Adieu. For the past sixteen years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of teaching our students the joys of learning the French language and especially the fun songs and rhymes. I wish you all every success and further adventures for any language you will learn in the future.

Madame Anderson