Toorak Primary School offers a comprehensive, innovative and flexible syllabus based on the Victorian Curriculum. Programs are structured to ensure that every child has access to quality literacy and numeracy programs which are supported by parent and community volunteer involvement in classroom activities and training programs. Where possible, single grade levels operate throughout the school. Specialist classes – French, Physical Education, Visual Arts and Performing Arts are offered throughout the year.
As part of the Performing Arts Program, a school production is staged biennially with the involvement of both the school and wider communities. In 2021, our students performed The Wizard of Oz. In previous years, we have staged Aladdin and Peter Pan. As part of the Visual Arts Program, an art show displaying works of art from each child in the school is undertaken in the alternating year.
Staff members are encouraged and supported to plan and work collaboratively to improve student outcomes and cater for different learning needs. The school displays a strong partnership between students, parents and staff which is evident through an extensive range of community events occurring throughout the year. Our first community event is the annual Welcome Picnic in February.
Our outstanding facilities accommodate an ever increasing number of students. With limited school grounds and a full entitlement of buildings, the school is nearing capacity. However, with the Covid 19 pandemic during 2020/21, many families relocated out of Melbourne, easing pressure on our limited play spaces.
Parental involvement and participation in the educative process can take many forms, ranging from helping at working bees through to involvement on Parents Group and School Council. This is a vital part of education at Toorak Primary School. Parental involvement enables many educational activities to be undertaken that would otherwise be out of the reach of the school. In addition, parents have the opportunity to establish new friendships where the school can become a valued part of social life in the community.
We pride ourselves on the open and friendly community atmosphere at Toorak Primary School. I look forward to a rewarding association with our school and wider community.
Sharon Wildermuth
Acting Principal