Sharon Wildermuth 27/11/2015
Dear Parents, This is just a reminder that our whole school transition day is on Monday the 7th of December. Students are to meet their 2015 classroom teachers first thing in the morning for roll call and then they will make their way with their teacher to the assembly area. This is where we will organise them into their…
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E Crossing 27/11/2015
Community Messages and Advertisements for this week include tutoring by Eduworks, the Sportwise Program, Playball Basketball, the St Johns Hall Xmas Market plus more.
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Sharon Wildermuth 26/11/2015
Year 2 Guardians & Parents, You are invited to attend the following: WHAT: “Year 2 Toy and Game Expo” WHEN: Wednesday 9th December, Week 10 Between 2.30- 3.15pm WHERE: Upstairs in the Year 2 classrooms WHY: In History, the students have been learning about how toys have changed from the past to the present…
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Sharon Wildermuth 26/11/2015
Parents, staff and students, The end of the year is fast approaching which means it is time to return all borrowed books to the library. Unfortunately there is a long list of books that are overdue and it would be appreciated if students returned the book as soon as possible. It is important that the…
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Sharon Wildermuth 26/11/2015
Solo One child, One child so small Sent forth to save us all One child beneath a star Soon they will know who you are All One Child one honest night Filling the earth with your light One child one precious thing Destined to be a king So spread the joyful news ‘cross the sky…
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Sharon Wildermuth 25/11/2015
Congratulations to Thomas Lin, George Missailidis, Jasper Snell, Daniel Dessau and, Takshil Kamineni who participated in the Victorian Interschool Chess Championships run by Chess Victoria on November 24th. TPS came 11th out of twenty-five schools in the state which was very impressive for their first inter-school chess appearance. Seven games of chess over five hours were…
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