Sharon Wildermuth 24/06/2016
I would like to wish everyone a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone happy and rested when we resume next term. Term three year level newsletters will be available on Monday July 11th. Mrs Tracy Skiba Assistant Principal
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Grade 06 24/06/2016
Earlier in the week some of the Grade 5/6’s and Prep classes made are some pictures… Have a great holiday everyone!
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Grade 06 24/06/2016
Unfortunately the tee-ball game scheduled for Friday 24th June will have to be delayed due to a very wet forecast for the rest of the week. Friday’s weather looks to be cold and rainy and unsuitable for our event. With the oval already very slippery and muddy and rain forecast throughout the week, there is…
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E Crossing 23/06/2016
Please click here OSHCSchool Newsletter to view the OSHC Newsletter. For bookings in Term 3, please call 0423 777 185.
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E Crossing 23/06/2016
Cake Lotto will not be held tomorrow due to assembly being cancelled as a result of the predicted rain. A signup sheet for term 3 has been placed opposite the office if you wish to volunteer to bake a cake.
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E Crossing 23/06/2016
The grade 2 catch planned for Friday afternoon has been cancelled due to the predicted wet weather. We’ll be in touch regarding a new date after the holidays. Have a great holiday! Janet, Vanessa and Andrea (Grade 2 parent reps)
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