Sara Harris 28/05/2020
As we commence back to learning again onsite, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that ‘every day counts’ when it comes to your child’s learning. If your child is absent for any reason, please ensure you notify the school by calling the office or you can update Compass with the reason for…
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Sharon Wildermuth 30/04/2018
Dear Parents/Guardians, As part of the review and updating of the school reports, Semester 1 reports will be streamlined and in a draft format while we create a final version for Semester 2. Next week there will be a blog for a vote between the old style reports and the new style supported by the…
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Sharon Wildermuth 25/10/2017
Dear parents and guardians, Please take a moment to read the information below regarding the safe and proper use of ICT resources in the classroom and at home. While the school restricts which sites students can and cannot access on our network, their internet access is NOT restricted when they are at home. We…
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Sharon Wildermuth 09/02/2017
Dear Parents, It is vitally important that your children attend school and arrive on time so that they do not miss any possible learning opportunities. If a child misses one day a week from grade prep to 4 they have already missed a year of school. Please make sure that all absences are approved on Compass…
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Sharon Wildermuth 03/02/2017
Dear Parents, Unfortunately Compass has been offline today and some year levels have not been able to upload their year level newsletter. They will be available on Monday when Compass is up and running again.
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Sharon Wildermuth 03/05/2016
2016 Photo Day Envelope and Order Instructions Dear Families, Toorak Primary School PHOTO DAY IS 17/05/2016. School photo order envelopes have been or will be distributed to every student and it is important that the order instructions (below) are followed. ONLINE ORDERING Your child’s school photos are now available for secure online purchase, please note…
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