School Council Update – October

At this month’s School Council meeting we considered the new Child Safe Standards that the Victorian Government has introduced in response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry. These are compulsory minimum standards that apply to all organisations, including schools, that provide services for children, and are aimed at protecting children from all forms of abuse.

The Council is wholeheartedly committed to providing a safe environment for children in our care, and to protecting the cultural and personal diversity represented by their individual circumstances. We have approved seven standards which cover the areas required by law, and as a result we will also see changes to some aspects of our school operations. The standards will be published on our website in the next week or so.

An immediate change we have made is to our Alcohol at School Events Policy, which now states that alcohol will not be permitted at any school event approved by Council where children are present. This reflects both the intent of the Child Safe standards and best practice advice received from the Victorian Principals Association regarding minimising potential for harm in the school environment.

Other areas of discussion included the early planning for the new portable building, which is expected to be complete early in term 1, and endorsement of a levy for excursions and incursions, which will support teacher planning at each year level, minimise administrative burden on the school and reduce the number of monetary transactions parents and guardians need to undertake each term.

Finally, it is always great to hear from the Junior School Council (this month’s report was confidently presented by Adelaide from grade 3) and receive updates on all the events that are happening in our school community. There are so many things happening between now and the end of the year – the art show, kids disco, grade 6 graduation, carols, transition for next year’s prep classes, recruitment of new staff and the fun-filled whole school celebration day – it’s going to be an action packed couple of months to finish 2016!!

Michelle Osborne

School Council President