Assembly News

Unfortunately the week two assembly was cancelled due to inclement weather. Items to be mentioned were:

Year Two Sleepover – the level two students had a lot of fun on Friday night at their annual sleepover. Students enjoyed a range of activities and the excitement of sleeping in their classrooms. Teachers received a reasonable amount of sleep as they vigilantly watched over all students. I would like to thank all year two staff for supporting the overnight sleepover.

Eva Anderson will hold a meeting on Wednesday evening to share information about the proposed 2016 French immersion program to New Caledonia. Parents of all Year 4 & 5 students who are interested in attending this new program are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held in the school hall from 7.00 – 8.00pm Wednesday 21 October.

Bunnings Hawthorn will be the venue for the Toorak Primary School sausage sizzle. A roster is currently being organised so if you can spare an hour or two please contact the school office. As well as sausages there will be a cake stall. Packages for baking have been sent home for delivery to school on Friday. Kirsty Iles will also be at school to accept cakes between 10.00 and 12.00 on Saturday October 24th. There is also the option of delivering the cakes to the stall on Sunday October 25th.

Our new bike shed and rebound wall are almost ready for use. The rebound wall can be used as of tomorrow. The bike shed requires the racks to be fixed and clear backing added to the rear of the structure before being ready for use next week. With a new bike structure and warmer weather, our students will be encouraged to ride their bikes and scooters to school.