Athletics Update

In PE over the last six weeks’ students from prep to grade six have been learning about athletics, made up of the track and field events. Students have approached the athletics events and the unit which has involved competitive jumping, running and throwing, with a great amount of enthusiasm, much to my delight! Students were most surprised to learn these games originated from the Ancient Olympic Games from 776 BC.

In class we practiced standing and crouch starts and 70 metre sprints across the oval in preparation for the 100m and 200m House Athletics sprints. Students from prep to grade six practised hurdles, firstly with the 30 cm plastic hurdles and grade 3-6 and above practised with the 45 cm hurdles…and some senior students desperate to give the 68 cm hurdles a go and did so successfully.  

For the field events the students practised a standing broad jump from the edge of the sandpit (modified long jump) and practised the foot patterns to successfully land the hop, step and jump for triple jump before measuring the triple jump world record which is over 18 metres. During class time last week, we held the inaugural 3-6 class high jump championship for high jump, after measuring the world record, 2.43m.

All students used a tennis ball to learn the technique of throwing a shot put, before using the metal shots. They learnt to throw safely using vortexes as a modified javelin and also practised throwing the discus


We finished the unit off with shuttle and circular relays in our house teams using aluminium batons. Congratulations to the fastest four students from each age group who successfully demonstrated the circular relay on the day of our athletics carnival!

As I mentioned at assembly, students should be commended with how well they participated in the 3-6 House Athletic Carnival at Lakeside Stadium last week and thank goodness the weather held out! A very special thank you to all the teachers and parents who helped on the day.

The District Athletic Competition will be held on Wednesday August 8 at Duncan McKinnon Reserve in Murrumbeena. We wish them luck!