Cake Lotto Bakers and Ticket Sellers Wanted

To make signing up for Cake Lotto easier we have created an online sign-up sheet. Please click on the link below to sign up to either bake a cake or sell tickets on a Friday before school.

Cake Baking: deliver your cake before 9am to the office, include your child’s name and class, the cake ingredients and instructions for returning the container if required. Your child will present the cake at assembly with the help of Mrs Manallack.

Ticket selling (morning of assembly): collect the ticket selling equipment from the office by about 8:40am. Instructions will be in the bucket. Its easy, the kids love helping and its a great way to meet more parents and children! You will be finished by about 9:10.

For those parents who have already signed up this term we have filled in your details on the online form for you.

Thank you
The Cake Lotto Team