Day and Night

This term, the Grade 3s have been focusing on the science topic: Night and Day. We thought, to make it a bit more fun, we could make projects to display our knowledge. When we presented our projects we had to use science terms such as revolve, rotate, sun, moon and earth, to describe what makes day and night happen. We used all sorts of different materials such as; cardboard, spoons,  felt, cellophane, styro-foam balls, chopsticks, paint and more. Here are the some of the awesome projects the Grade 3s made:

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Isn’t is awesome! I know right! Brace yourselves. We used paint….and it got MESSY. The hardest part was to make sure all the elements of the project rotated and revolved appropriately.  We hope you like our projects and our blog.

Written by Charlize Pecotic and Lily Wallace (on behalf of all the Grade 3 students)