Easter in France, joyeuses Pâques and bonnes vacances.

April is a very festive month in France and our students have been learning about the April 1st jokes, called the ‘poisson d’avril’ [ April fish]. Plus the legend of the Easter Bells, which bring the Easter eggs on Easter Sunday morning. The students at school on the 1st made their various fishes to pin on an unsuspecting person.  The joke being that this person is unaware they have a fish stuck to their backs.  The students for the rest of the week will make their Easter cards and create their own ‘toc toc’ joke to share with parents and friends.



The year five and six students have been handing in their inquiry topics about Paris.  Those I have received are amazing. They will be displayed in the French Room next term for those of you who may want to come and view them.  In addition, students who may wish to do a little extra French or make up for the sessions missed due to public holidays, sports, and other factors,  may like to hop on line to access the free but useful site Languages on Line : www.educcation.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/French

The students in year three to six are able to access the digital site that TPS subscribe to: Linguascope. Due to copyright issues the password and username details can only be given to students in class, which has already been done.  Those who can’t remember the passwords can contact me.

Wishing you all a very safe holiday and wonderful Easter.

Madame Anderson