Foundation Perceptual Motor Program

PMP will start in Term 2 for Foundation/Prep students. The sessions will run from 2.30pm – 3.30pm on Wednesday afternoons. The program will commence on Wednesday 13th of April.

The Perceptual Motor Program is an activities-based program designed to develop fine and gross motor skills and increase confidence in movement. It gives children experiences in seeing, hearing, feeling, language processing, making perceptual judgements and working through carefully sequenced movement activities.

We are looking for 10 parent helpers for each session to assist. It is important that each station is supervised while the children participate in various activities. Please arrive ten minutes early (2.20pm) to help set up and learn how to run your activity. We would also appreciate your assistance with packing up.

Please fill out the form 2016 Parent Helper Note if you are able to assist in Term 2. You need to have a Working with Children Certificate to assist with PMP however you don’t need to have attended the Parent Helper induction training. Please sign in and out at the office on the days you attend.

Foundation Team- Mrs Karen Mckinnon, Miss Alicia King, Miss Tamika Pettigrove and Mr Luke Fletcher