Grade 3 News

Over the last week, Grade 3 students have been attending swimming lessons at Klim Swim where they have been developing their swimming skills and learning water safety strategies. They have really been enjoying the lessons, and have been improving each day.

In Numeracy, students have been using MAB blocks to represent numbers up to 1000. It was a great hands-on activity where students explored their place value skills.

In Wellbeing, Grade 3 have introduced the Zones of Regulation. The students have been exploring the different zones, learning how to express their emotions, and learning a range of different strategies they can use to help them.

Due to the Grade 3 & 4 Swimming program timetable clashes, we had to reschedule Spelling groups to commence this coming Tuesday. This also means that as of Friday of Week 5, Literacy Planet Homework activities will be available for your child. We apologise for any inconvenience caused with the delay in Literacy Planet tasks but we believe it is important for your child to be exposed to their spelling content prior to setting homework tasks based on your child’s spelling sorts.

Thanks, The Grade 3 Team