Grade 5/6 Narratives

The Grade 5s and 6s have been planning, composing, editing and publishing narratives. They are very close to being completed. Here are some examples of some excellent snippets of their writing so far:

I scream as the plane turns in circles through the warm night air. The plane is out of control, lights are flashing and flickering. The hairs on my arm stick up as the plane lost control. Suddenly the plane door flies open and the warm breeze stings my freckled face.            

By Atara P (6B)


I look to my left, then my right. I still can’t see anything, because the fog has surrounded the whole mountain. 

“C’mon Skye,” I say to myself, “You can do it.”

The snowflakes blow against my face, as a cold breeze rushes past me. Suddenly, I can’t feel the tips of my fingers. Then my toes. I pull up my balaclava, hold my poles and say to myself, 

“Pull yourself together, Skye. It is like any other run.” 

I turn my skis to the left and then the right.

Lets go!” I yell.                                     

By Skye M (5A)


Swimming in the calm blue water, I suddenly notice a grey fin slice the water, I start to panic. I kick and splash as I try to get away but it is too late… everything goes black.

I see flashes of what’s going on, I’m in an ambulance being rushed to the hospital. The paramedic tried to keep me calm. 

“You’re going to be ok,” she says with a quivering voice.

I am so confused, why am I in an ambulance? What’s happened? I looked down at my legs, I am breathless, blood is everywhere, I faint…

I see flashes of what’s going on, I’m about to go into surgery. They give me some anaesthetic to put me to sleep. Before I close my eyes, I hear someone say, “He’ll live… but he’ll never walk again.”

By Jason L (5/6A)


The next morning, as my eyes graciously crept into focus, I detected once again, a tune so familiar, although this time… I wasn’t the one playing it.  

I rushed downstairs. I cautiously creep into the dim room, wary of what could be waiting for me, wary of the ghostly omen that could be awaiting my arrival. As anxious as I am, I leap into the room.

By Apollo A (5B)