How can you help build your child’s numeracy?

As parents you play a significant role in your child’s learning by setting expectations, nurturing curiosity, and encouraging a love of learning.
You can help build your child’s numeracy through doing the following:

  • be positive about their numeracy experiences and praise effort and perseverance
  • let your child know that everyone can be successful
  • seize everyday opportunities to capitalise on numeracy development
  • involve your child in numeracy-related activities
  • describe what you are doing in situations that involve numeracy
  • explain why you make certain numeracy choices
  • explore numeracy with your child
  • learn alongside your child and encourage a sharing of numeracy ideas and thoughts

Helping children to become numerate does not need a high level of mathematics. It means:

  • encouraging children to try, then keep trying
  • encouraging children to think (reason)
  • supporting children while they do homework (which means encouraging them and taking an interest, but not doing the thinking for them)
  • modelling numeracy with children (including interpreting data, charts and diagrams)
  • talking aloud when solving problems (every day or mathematical)
  • getting children to check their answers (Does this answer make sense?)
  • encouraging children to help with
    • cooking (especially measuring out ingredients)
    • paying bills
    • scheduling events in the day
    • reading maps and giving directions
    • shopping
    • measuring –– and thanking them for their support
  • do not say “Maths is hard” or “I was never good at maths”. Numeracy capability is not inherited but attitudes are contagious.

To focus on your child’s problem-solving approaches and their reasoning:

  • Ask questions and give instructions like
    • “What do you already know about this problem/question?”
    • “How might you work it out?”
    • “Explain why you think that is the answer?”
  • Do not focus only on the correct response, the process/approach is important
  • Allow your child to experience some confusion. It is an essential aspect of the learning process.

Jump in and have a go!
Leah French
Numeracy Learning Specialist