Parent Information Night 2016 Feedback Opportunity

Dear Parents,

Our 2016 Parent Information Nights will soon be upon us and we are seeking your opinion regarding the format of the night. Attached to this post is a feedback form for you to fill in. We would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions about what we can do to improve our current communication practices.

There will also be hard copies of the feedback form available at every information night for you to fill in and leave at the school office feedback box.

We thank you for your valued input.

Tracy Skiba

Assistant Principal

2016 Parent Information Night Feedback Form

Thank you for attending the parent information night. We would appreciate any feedback about the event that you would like to provide. Please fill in the form below and leave it in the feedback box at the office. nThanks again for joining us and we look forward to a productive 2016 school year.n

2016 Parent Information Night Feedback Form

Thank you for attending the parent information night. We would appreciate any feedback about the event that you would like to provide. Please fill in the form below and leave it in the feedback box at the office. nThanks again for joining us and we look forward to a productive 2016 school year.n