Prep – Grade 2 Swimming

The Prep – Grade 2 Swimming program starts this Friday at King Swim in St Kilda. Please make sure that you have returned the swimming capability form that was sent out last term by Wednesday and have paid your excursion levy.

The students will travel to the pool by bus, leaving at the following times:

11:10am – Prep A & B

11:40am – Prep C & D

12:10pm – Grade 1A & 1B

12:40pm – Grade 2A & 2B

1:10pm – Grade 2C

Please make sure that your child brings a separate bag suitable for wet gear, bathers, towel, goggles and swim cap (Kings will provide a swim cap Week 1). Please make sure ALL items are clearly named.

Classroom teachers will be seeking volunteers to help with the programs so please talk to your child’s teacher if you are available.