Principal Message

Following the most recent School Council meeting, a suggestion was made by council members for recent NAPLAN results to be shared with the school community. A time of celebration is most appropriate since our Year Three data for students in the top two bands of NAPLAN is outstanding. I have included graphs for the last five year trend in Year Three Writing, Reading and Numeracy. Please take time to celebrate and recognise the achievements of our students in comparison to similar schools, network schools and the state. Network schools include local Stonnington and Glen Eira schools with whom we work very closely. Our teaching staff members are also to be commended for the fine work they undertake with each of our students to address their individual learning needs. As you can imagine the amount of data available to schools is huge. With this in mind, I will endeavour to share some of the most relevant data sets with you each week.

Congratulations to staff and students at Toorak Primary School!