Sports Update

Welcome to Country
We hope everyone enjoyed our very special assembly for the ‘Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony’ run by David and Janet from the Boon Wurrung Foundation, to celebrate NAIDOC Week. Thank-you all for such a supportive turnout.

We are looking forward to hosting our students versus teachers Edor Game today as well as the other classroom activities organised for NAIDOC week.

Basketball Finals
Congratulations to all of our basketball teams and their coaches for their efforts throughout the term and well done to those which participated in the finals that were held at MSAC over the last two weeks.

Tommy Lahiff Cup
We wish our 5/6 boys team all the best when they compete in the Tommy Lahiff Cup on Thursday June 27 in Port Melbourne. Mr. Chapman will be attending with the students and parents are welcome to attend. Please let Mr. Bender or myself know, if you would like attend .

5/6 AFL Gala Day
The 5/6 students competed against schools in our district at Fawkner Park on Thursday June 13. The students had a fun filled day and competed against other local schools.

Southern Metropolitan Region Cross Country
We wish Josie Agnew all the very best when she competes at Hastings tomorrow representing TPS in the regional cross country event . Good Luck Josie!