Sports Update

Last Thursday we held the TPS house swimming sports for year 3-6 students. Everyone who participated is to be congratulated on their efforts in getting in the pool and having a go, it was a fantastic day with lots of house spirit shown. Well done to Nelson house who were our winners on the day. The last event saw teachers bring out some interesting swimming costumes and have a 25m teacher race which saw Miss Paslis prevail.

Good luck to the students who are competing at this Friday’s Beachside Division swimming titles, this is a great achievement and we know you will do Toorak Primary School proud.

Next Tuesday 15th March we will begin our morning Runners Club. Every Tuesday and Friday morning between 8:30am-8:45am students from any year level can meet in the park and run laps of the oval. Students number of laps will be recorded each morning run and a termly trophy will be awarded to the class with the most laps for the term. This will also be good practice for the school Cross Country which will be conducted in the last week of term 1.