Story Dogs Fundraiser at TPS

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Last Friday the Story Dogs Co-ordinator and volunteers attended our assembly with their dogs to introduce themselves to the whole school and formally receive our donation.

Toorak has introduced the Storydogs program this year.  Two volunteers and their dogs, that is Norah and Beau and Stephen and Ferris, attend Toorak weekly on Monday mornings. Eight lucky students have been chosen to read for the dogs for approximately 30 mins each week.  The program is designed to make students more confident about their reading and learning. The scheme has had positive results for students in other schools Australia-wide, both academically and emotionally.

In support of the program, the Junior School Council arranged a dress-up day on the last day of Term 1, encouraging the community to wear orange and give a gold coin donation to the Storydogs program.

The Storydogs Coordinator, Suzanne McCourt, was overwhelmed with the generosity of our school community, stating that Toorak’s donation was the largest they had ever received from a school.  A total of $343.50 was raised. Suzanne explains it costs $500 to set up a dog in a school, Toorak Primary’s donation will go towards the purchase of  items such as books and jackets for the dogs and volunteers to wear.

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A big thanks to the Junior School council for arranging the fundraiser, to our Storydogs volunteers and for the support of the whole school community.

Kerry Merriman – Literacy Team