Term Two

Welcome back after a most enjoyable vacation. Our student numbers continue to rise steadily across the school. Most classes can accommodate a couple of extra students. However, the level three area of the school has reached such numbers that a fourth class will be formed. It is anticipated that a smaller class will use the Glasshouse with Mrs Chantelle Kelly as the classroom teacher. Chantelle has been part of Toorak Primary School for many years. More recently she has been supporting grade three teachers and students with literacy and numeracy. A letter of intent was sent to all grade three families today.

A presentation and celebration of our 2015 achievements will take place in the school hall on Wednesday May 4th from 7-9pm. Our guest speaker for the night will be Kathy Walker who is a well known educational psychologist. Kathy always engages her audience when speaking on topics such as, “Modern Day Parenting” and “Developing Resilience”. We look forward to celebrating our achievements with the school community.