
Earlier today I met with Grove builders to finalise the external areas of the new building site. The western end of the school will have steep stairs modified to provide a more suitable gradient for the safety of our students and community members. Previously installed bike racks will be reinstated along the park side of the school with access for the disabled also along the southern boundary leaving the northern avenue of the school clear to incorporate into the play ground area.

All students are excitedly practising their roles for the school musical,”Peter Pan”. Miss Fairweather has worked diligently to ensure all aspects of the musical are thoroughly planned. The Engagement Team will meet on Friday May 5th to discuss community involvement. As in the past, we will require support with dance and singing rehersals,  prop making, organising costumes and preparing supper for the evening. Thanks to our past experience, the marketing branch of the Events, Marketing and Fundraising committee is willing and able to begin all that is required to promote and advertise the musical production. The production dates are Wednesday and Thursday 30th and 31st of August. To make life a little easier for our community, a Curriculum Day has been arranged for Friday September 1st. This date will be student free with staff involved in a full day of mathematics professional development.

Toorak Primary School Community Night will take place on May 25th beginning with a sausage sizzle at 5.30. All children who attend with their families will be supervised while an overview of the 2016 Annual Report is presented followed by a guest speaker for the “Resilience Project”. We encourage all school community members to attend.

Beginning in time for the mid year holidays, a holiday program will be offered at Toorak Primary School. The company offering the program is called “Team Holiday”. More information will be provided to the school community as it comes to hand.