I hope you and your families have enjoyed a safe and relaxing holiday break.
The start of the school year has gone extremely smoothly with students quickly settling into their new classrooms, and many new friendships have already started to be developed.
We ask the children to be lined up at their line up spot no later than 8.55am ready to move inside with their teacher, for teaching to commence at 9.00am. Starting the year with strong routines is important and punctuality will reduce many anxieties. The Foundation students commence tomorrow, and we look forward to welcoming them into our wonderful school.
If you need to contact your child’s teacher, Compass is the suggested way to start the home-school conversation. We will be sending further information shortly about parent-teacher meet and greet session.
Parents are asked to make plans with their child/children about where to meet outside, after the end of the day. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3:30pm and a staff member will be present until all children are collected.
A reminder that a fruit snack, as well as a separate lunch and afternoon recess needs to be supplied each day of the year. If a lunch order has been placed, please note that this is given to students at 11am so therefore a fruit snack stills needs to be provided by parents.
Staff are on duty from 8:45am so students are to arrive after 8:45am each morning.
We welcome back all our returning students and warmly welcome our new families and students who join us this year.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Welcome Picnic on the 21 February at 5pm.
Kind regards,
Sharon Wildermuth
Acting Principal