Year 5 Ski Camp

As Ski Camp is only a few months away there is lots to do to prepare. The year 5 teachers are very busy organising the many details that go into planning this fantastic camp.

Thank you to all families that have been following the payment schedule on Compass. If you have not yet begun payments, please do so immediately, as all payments must be complete in order for your child to attend camp. If any student is unable to attend camp, please inform your child’s teacher immediately as the total number of students going affects buses, hotel rooms, etc.


Last year we were able to subsidise the cost of camp for all students by nearly $$50 per student through a fantastic parent-led fundraising campaign. If you can find some time and are willing to help, we are looking for parents to run a weekly chicken noodle soup “tuck shop”. This was very successful last year and requires only a few hours per week.

If you would like to help, or have any further fundraising ideas, feel free to come see Mr. Carota ASAP!