Empowered Sleep Program – Week 6

Illustration by Inma Lorente

Welcome to Week 6 of the Empowered Sleep Program!

Our final weekly reflection is –

‘Be yourself it’s the new cool. Being someone else is old skool’

Being yourself is such an important part of our overall health and wellbeing. When we compromise this, by trying to be something other than who we are or when we hold ourselves back from being in the fullness of who we are, this causes a stress on the body. And as we have been learning through the program, any stress on the body is going to affect our ability to settle and rest deeply.

Being Yourself means not holding back your expression and appreciating that what you bring is unique and a needed reflection in the world. After all there is no one that can reflect what you do, in the way that you do. So without this, we all miss out!

A day of not holding this back and being who you truly are is the perfect cultivation for a deep, restful and restorative nights sleep.

Looking forward to the feedback from the program to see how it all unfolded and then sharing it with you all.

Thanks everyone and super well done to all who participated. Such an amazing effort to dedicate 6 weeks of self-reflection into your daily rhythm and programs.

Sara Harris – First Aid & Well-being