Grade 2 Persuasive Text Pieces

The Tsunami Synchronised Soccer Games
We strongly believe that our arcade game is the best in the galaxy. First, we have prizes galore! An origami bat, house points and Shurikens are just some of them! Secondly, we have high tech equipment like balls coming out of the goal automatically if you get it in.  Our fabulous sign flaps in and out with the help of a hand. Thirdly our game is challenging and completed addictive.  Our game is built with two things, love and joy. Lastly, it educational for children and sophisticated enough for adults. In conclusion, our cardboard soccer game is phenomenal and addictive for everyone! We hope you play it.  Written by  Harvey and Lucas

Ride Your Bikes
Certainly you will agree that riding your bike is better for the world because riding a bike gives you exercise and does not release carbon dioxide.  Driving a car releases carbon dioxide and this gas that cars make is damaging the world. If we keep on driving cars the plants, flowers, vegetables, fruit and trees will die and if trees die we won’t have any fresh air because trees actually freshen the air. But if you have to drive a car, please take two or three people with you and if not all your family fits you could all take the bus.  Aeroplanes give off a huge amount of carbon dioxide. to travel the greener way, take holidays closer to home  instead of flying. If you have to fly try and get a direct flight, because taking off and landing uses the most energy.

What are food miles?
Food miles are something you eat comes from another country, it travelled many food miles to get to you and lots of carbon dioxide was produced on the way. Buying food grown locally is often better for the environment. Travelling by bus or train does less damage to the environment than going by car because lots of people share the energy used.

Why are tree the bees knees?
Trees take carbon dioxide from the air and they make oxygen, the gas we need to breath. Trees also store carbon in their wood.  If there were so much carbon dioxide in the air, we wouldn’t be able to breath. Rainforests are home to two thirds of all different types of animals and plants on earth. In fact thousands of them are only found in rainforest. If you plant a tree it will store carbon all its life. So in conclusion, make sure you ride bikes wherever possible and consider the planet.
Written by by Lars