Grade One – Welcome back

The Grade Ones have hit the ground running in 2019! The transition to a new area of the school is going well with the new buildings providing a nice cool environment for teaching and learning. The Grade One team is really enjoying getting to know their new students and reinforcing the routines of the school day.

In Literacy, the students have been working on their recount writing craft and learning how to choose books that are ‘just right’ for them to read. Then in Numeracy, the students have been exploring number and place value, practising their counting skills through engaging math games.

Our current Inquiry topic of ‘History: Past, Present and Future’ has sparked great conversations about the olden days and what the students want to be when they are older.

The students have enjoyed being outside with Mr. Beck learning how to care for the garden in Sustainability lessons. Week one consisted of a tour and some watering of plants and veggies.

The Grade One team would like to thank those who have volunteered to be parent reps. We appreciate your support in delivering messages to the TPS community.

A couple of housekeeping notices:

  • please ensure the students are being sun smart by bringing a labelled hat
  • students can bring a drink bottle to school each day so they keep hydrated
  • please remind your child/children to bring their red communication folder each day as it’s a busy time of year for notices.

We look forward to a busy but enjoyable term.

The Grade One Team